Based on diagnostic testing and review of your symptoms, anti-reflux surgery may be an appropriate choice for your long-term relief. The goal of anti-reflux surgery is to correct anatomical abnormalities that contribute to your symptoms. Often, surgery decreases or eliminates your need for anti-reflux medication.
Benefits of Surgery
Anti-reflux surgery has been shown to last. Five years after surgery the data shows:
- 83% of patients remained symptom-freea
- 86% of patients remained off long-term antireflux medicationsa
- 92% of patients rate their surgery as a successb
Surgical Options:
Minimally Invasive Laparoscopic & Robotic Hiatal Hernia Repair and Fundoplication
Thanks to advancements in surgical techniques, our anti-reflux procedures are ‘laparoscopic’ and/or ‘robotic’. This means that only a few, small, abdominal incisions are needed which leads to faster healing and less postoperative pain. Depending on your workup, your surgery may include repairing your hiatal hernia with or without ‘fundoplication’. Fundoplication involves tightening your anti-reflux valve to allow it to function properly and minimize acid reflux episodes.
Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication (“TIF”)
Newton-Wellesley Hospital’s Heartburn and Reflux Program now offers incisionless surgery called the “TIF procedure”. We are proud to be one of the few organizations offering this innovative procedure.
TIF is an acronym:
- Transoral – The procedure is performed from within the GI tract, through the patient’s mouth
- Incisionless – There are no incisions, resulting in faster recovery, and no scars
- Fundoplication – The anti-reflux valve is reconstructed by wrapping the upper portion of the stomach (fundus) around the esophagus
A surgeon utilizes the EsophyX device to reconstruct the valve between the esophagus and the stomach and restore the body’s natural protection against reflux.