The Breast Imaging Center at Newton-Wellesley Hospital provides comprehensive imaging tests designed for women’s unique health concerns. We understand the importance of detailed imaging in the diagnosis and treatment of women’s medical conditions. Our experienced and highly trained radiologists, mammographers, and staff members work closely with a number of professionals to meet your health needs.
We provide our services at the Auerbach Breast Center, at the Mass General Cancer Center at Newton-Wellesley, and through referring doctors from throughout the region.
Advanced imaging care for patients from throughout Greater Boston
- Breast MRI
- Breast ultrasound
- Bone densitometry
- Ductography
- Mammograms and ultrasound-guided pre-surgical needle localizations
- 3D Mammograms/Tomosynthesis
- Screening and diagnostic mammograms
- Stereotactic and ultrasound-guided breast biopsies
Breast MRI
Advanced breast imaging option
MRI is a noninvasive procedure and uses a magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of the organs and tissues within the body. Breast MRI produces hundreds of cross-sectional images of the breasts as well as three-dimensional images to be viewed and studied by the radiologist.
Breast MRI vs. mammograms
Absolutely not. Breast MRI has emerged as a valuable technique in the identification of breast diseases but does not replace other screening and diagnostic procedures such as mammograms and ultrasounds. Physical exams and breast self-exams are also important.
For patients with breast implants, MRI is useful in examining implants as well as the surrounding breast tissue.
View locations and how to make an appointment
How Breast MRIs are used
Nationally recognized breast centers perform breast MRI to:
- Diagnose a breast implant rupture
- Evaluate questions raised on mammograms or ultrasounds
- Monitor high-risk patients
- Post-surgery and post-radiation follow-up
- Staging of breast cancer and treatment planning
- Surgical planning
The procedure
You will lie on your stomach on the examination table with your breasts placed in openings so they hang down from your chest. You will receive a contrast medium intravenously (IV) during the MRI. The technologist will place an IV in your arm or hand before your scan to administer the contrast. The contrast medium will highlight the blood flow to your breast tissues.
The examination will take about 40 minutes. The scanner makes a loud knocking noise, but you should not feel any discomfort. It’s important that you remain still during the exam, and the technologist will help you find a comfortable position for the procedure.
After the MRI
Your breast MRI will be thoroughly reviewed and correlated with your mammography and ultrasound. Radiologists who specialize in breast MRI images will provide your doctor with their findings to form your treatment plan.
Mammograms play an important role in detecting breast cancer at an early stage. Early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer is possible through regular breast self-exams and regular mammograms; both increase your chance of successful treatments and outcomes. Our team diagnoses more patients with breast cancer at stage 0 or 1 than anyone else in the area. We recommend that women begin having annual mammograms at age 40.
Screening, diagnostic and 3D mammograms
Learn more about the three types of mammograms we offer: screening, diagnostic and 3D or tomosynthesis.
View locations and how to make an appointment
Safety of mammograms
Our technicians take special care during X-ray examinations to use the lowest radiation dose possible while producing the best images for evaluation. Today’s X-ray systems have tightly controlled X-ray beams with significant filtration and dose-control methods. Although there is no radiation that reaches the uterus during a mammogram, we do not perform routine mammograms on women who might be pregnant.
The mammogram exam and results
Your mammogram only takes a few minutes, but expect to be with the technologist for about 30 minutes. After your mammogram is complete, a radiologist will review your images and send a report to your referring doctor, who will go over the results with you. Depending on the results of your mammogram, you may need additional testing.
Same-day results:
Mammograms with same-day results can be requested and may require extra time. If additional testing is needed, you will have the option of same-day testing. If a needle biopsy is required, it can be performed that day when circumstances permit.
Results in two business days:
If you choose not to wait for same-day results, you’ll receive your mammogram results within five business days. If additional testing is needed, you will be contacted and scheduled for an appointment as soon as possible. We will notify your doctor of test results and discuss your treatment plans.
Request the images from your mammogram
Please contact the Image Service Center at 617-243-6071. The Image Service Center requires a minimum of 24 to 48 hours’ turnaround time for film and/or image copying.
It’s important to remember that most mammograms don’t show any evidence of breast cancer or other breast conditions. The American Cancer Society says the average risk of developing breast cancer is about 12 percent, or a one in eight chance in a lifetime. However, it’s crucial to have regular mammograms so any changes in your breasts can be detected early for the best chances of successful treatment.
Advanced 3D Mammograms / Tomosynthesis
Advanced 3D mammography
The Breast Imaging Center offers 3D mammography, called tomosynthesis. We strive to offer patients the latest technology and the most advanced treatment options. We are one of the first community hospitals to provide this service for patients.
Newton-Wellesley Hospital offers screening mammograms on campus and at our off-site Ambulatory Care Centers in Natick and Walpole. To schedule a mammogram appointment at any of these locations, call 617-243-6829.
The Newton-Wellesley Mammography Program is licensed and inspected by the state of Massachusetts yearly, certified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and accredited by the American College of Radiology.
What is tomosynthesis?
Tomosynthesis allows the physician to see thin mammography sections of the entire breast. This results in better detail without the superimposed tissue above and below each section that can hide abnormalities on the traditional two-dimensional image provided by mammography.
What are the benefits of tomosynthesis?
Tomosynthesis provides physicians with a clearer image of the breast tissue and decreases the need for further examinations. This technology can help distinguish superimposed tissue from real abnormalities, leading to fewer callbacks and less anxiety for women. Tomosynthesis may also find smaller breast cancers at earlier stages. Most importantly, tomosynthesis has resulted in significant improvement in the detection of invasive cancers.
Who should have tomosynthesis?
Almost all patients who need a screening or diagnostic mammogram can benefit from having 3D mammography. Tomosynthesis is especially helpful for women with dense breast tissue.
About the Breast Imaging Center
We have been designated by the American College of Radiology as a Center of Excellence for our outstanding care. We’ll work with you to answer any questions you have and address your concerns in a comfortable, supportive environment.
For Referring Physicians
We work with physicians from throughout Greater Boston whose patients need high-quality imaging tests as part of the diagnostic process for breast conditions. Learn how to refer your patients to us.