After a massive weight loss, many patients are concerned about the excess skin that can result. When a large amount of weight is lost (>100 pounds), the skin changes may result in folds of skin around the abdomen, waist, back, arms, legs, breasts, and neck can occur.
The Center for Weight Loss Surgery at Newton-Wellesley Hospital provides guidance and suggestions on how to manage this. Plastic surgery can remove this excess skin and help with body contouring for improvements in hygiene, exercise capacity and frequently body image. We have a list of plastic surgeons who we recommend, and we can provide their contact information in the event you’d like to request a consultation.
Why Body Contouring?
Skin irritation and rashes are common in the folds of excess skin. Medicated creams and powder, compression undergarments and other treatment to help manage the excess skin are suggested as needed. Every weight loss patient deals with their excess skin differently, however. Some people wear their excess skin proudly, as a “badge of honor.” Others absolutely need to have it removed to be comfortable with themselves. For this reason we offer options to our patients.